Maple St Construct Opens ‘Unfamiliar Appearing’
August 6th, 2021
Omaha, NE—Maple St. Construct opens Unfamiliar Appearing tonight, a collaboration between LA artist Anna Elise Johnson and local Anne Dovali. In this case, the artists had never met in person until this week. Maple St. bridges Omaha and LA, and in this situation the meeting of minds began over email.
Dovali has shown at numerous local galleries. A painter by trade, she’s recently embraced a new style. Initially using computer software to conceptualize pieces, she has since taken a more natural approach.
Johnson works with the earth. Literally the dirt, on canvas. So in a sense, her work truly represents the land she’s in at the time.
Luckily, both artists have become friends, and their latest works respond to one another’s.
Unfamiliar Appearing opens at Maple St. Construct tonight for Benson First Friday. For more information on the exhibition or the extra details online, go to MapleStConstruct.com.