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sherry brownrigg

By Sherry Kennedy Brownrigg

Thank You, Otis

September 26th, 2024

Every year, Otis Twelve takes an end-of-year sabbatical to recharge his batteries and gear up for a new year at KVNO. When he came back from that sabbatical in early January of this year, he set up a meeting with me, and I knew right away what he would say: he’s ready to retire.  

So, yes. We’ve known since January that Otis would retire this year, and we’ve had so much fun honoring and surprising him and giving you the chance to honor him as well. But it really hasn’t hit home until now when we’re down to his last few days on the air. That familiar, comforting, presence that always encouraged us not to take ourselves too seriously will now be getting up late, watching baseball in his recliner, writing new novels, taking his dogs for long, leisurely walks, and doing the kinds of things retired people do. But after 18 years, he will no longer be heard on KVNO.  

All of us at KVNO are very sad to see him go, but after 50 years in media, we can only be grateful that he spent 18 of those years at KVNO (the longest he had been anywhere!) helping us to become the premiere classical radio station that we are today. 

And we also have something to look forward to – the wonderful Jeff Koterba will take over as host of Morning Classics for Otis on October 7th. Jeff brings with him a talent for communicating and a dedication to our community that is unmatched. He’ll be a joy to work with. 

Otis Twelve chose his last week on the air at KVNO to be during our Fall Fund Drive, September 30 – October 4. He wanted to be sure you had one last opportunity to join him in giving KVNO a bright future. Of course, you can always support KVNO after Otis retires, and we hope you do. But during our Fall Fund Drive, you have the rare opportunity to join Otis in real-time giving and honor him with your gift. Just listen wherever you hear KVNO or find more info at 

Thank you, Otis. May your sleep be longer, may the Cubs win, may your novel be successful, and may you enjoy the legacy you created at KVNO. You’ll always be welcome here.