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Welcome to the KVNO Arts Calendar!

 — dedicated to promoting the growth and appreciation of the arts in the Omaha community.

In Conversation with Lauren and Lee

KANEKO 1111 Jones St, Omaha, NE, United States

Our collaborative partnership with KVNO in regard to our creative thinking spaces at the Kaneko is one in which we highly value and hold in high regard. Through the Kaneko KVNO audience listeners get the opportunity to experience our one of a kind programming. For example what makes this conversational event so unique is the people leading the event. This is a an informal performance and conversation between choreographers Lauren Simpson and Galen Rogers and visual artist Lee Running. Lauren and Galen’s creative interests lie at the intersection of bodies and objects. We were drawn to Lee Running’s work because the objects she creates are often made from the material of the body, specifically the bodies and bones of deer that have been struck by vehicles. The skeletal structure of a deer and that of a full grown human are similar in dimension, shape, and weight. This offered a starting point for a collaboration. Through the careful and attentive practice of choreography, we hope to discover a new perspective on the sculptures, as well as open up a conversation about embodiment, violence, healing, and connection.


African Fashion Week Omaha 2024

KANEKO 1111 Jones St, Omaha, NE, United States

Afromaha is thrilled to collaborate with Omaha Fashion Week and KANEKO for the sixth annual African Fashion Week Omaha (AFWO 2024). This year, we’re diving into the heart of the Afro Renaissance, celebrating a vibrant rebirth in African fashion.

$55 – $80

Our Turn Sensory Concert

KANEKO 1111 Jones St, Omaha, NE, United States

Through our collaborative partnership with KVNO in regard to our creative thinking spaces we like to share our one of a kind programming here at the Kaneko with your listeners. This concert is a great opportunity to include those on the spectrum a chance to enjoy music without the normal stressors their every day may include. It also is a great opportunity for families to do something everyone can be included in and enjoy.


Arts for ME! : Artist Reception and Exhibition

KANEKO 1111 Jones St, Omaha, NE, United States

Through our collaborative partnership with KVNO in regard to our creative thinking spaces we like to share our one of a kind programming here at the Kaneko with your listeners. We offer unique programming that promotes all forms of artistic creativity in our spaces that benefits people of all backgrounds. What makes this event so unique is Therman Statom and his classroom. He works very dilligently with the special education children in the westide school district to not only inspire through his teachings, but show how art is truly a shared experience for anyone.


2024 KANEKO Creative Camp Exhibition

KANEKO 1111 Jones St, Omaha, NE, United States

Let’s come together and celebrate the end of another amazing camp season. Come and check out the creations made by your camper and other talented individuals. The exhibition will be open until August 11. Feel free to grab some snacks and drinks during the reception.


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