Emma Cooney

Growing up as a violinist in Lincoln, I first fell in love with opera in high school during a performance of The Marriage of Figaro at UNL. When I moved to Boston for college the following year, I worked backstage on every opera production that let me in the door, doing everything from building sets to running lights to organizing costumes. I earned my BFA in Stage Management from Boston University, and I worked as a stage manager with phenomenal singers on operas throughout the country. The storytelling power of music, staging, and design continues to fascinate me.
In 2020, I transitioned my career to the non-profit field. I spent a year working on rental assistance in Vermont (and living in a tiny house on a mountain!) before moving home to Nebraska. KVNO provided the perfect opportunity to return to the arts and join our development team’s work to build the future of classical radio in Omaha. As Development Associate at KVNO, I am thrilled to spend every day supporting our incredible listeners and sharing in your passion for music.