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Classical Kids

KVNO has been honoring students in the metro area who excel at playing, singing or composing for over 20 years.

We name a new Classical Kid every month, awarding them a $300 scholarship from the Soener Foundation in memory of Mary Belle Soener to be used for anything related to performing or learning music. Our monthly winners also receive other great gifts and perform in our annual Classical Kids Showcase.


Nominate a KVNO Classical Kid

Nomination Guidelines:

  1. To be eligible, the student must be between the ages of 8-14 and studying an instrument, taking voice lessons or singing in a choir, playing in a band or an orchestra, composing or conducting.
  2. A parent, relative, friend, or a music teacher may nominate the student.
  3. The student must live within the signal range of Classical 90.7 KVNO.
  4. No student may win the award more than once, but music teachers may nominate more than one student and nominate a student more than one time.

Good luck from all of us at KVNO — we’re cheering for you!

Name of Nominee(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Max. file size: 16 MB.
Please upload a 2-4 minute MP3 or CD recording (do not send video) of the student in performance.
Home Address(Required)

Classical Kid Questions

Questions answered by the Classical Kid nominee. Please be detailed in your responses.

Sponsor Questions

Please be detailed in your responses.
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