Photo provided by Nate Griffith
TubaChristmas has a new home
November 29th, 2022
Christmas music comes in many forms, as the arrangements for the tuba create a deep and rich sound for this holiday.
Nathan Griffith is the coordinator for Tuba Christmas in Omaha. Griffith considers himself a semi-pro tuba player. He played this instrument in grade and high school, put it away for a few years, and picked it back again in college.
Griffith studied tuba for eight years, then moved to Indiana to work as the engineering manager for a wind instruments manufacturer. He came back to Nebraska and tried building instruments.
Griffith returned to the business world and retired from Valmont industries. While working in the corporate, he became the Tuba Christmas coordinator in 1997.
This concert has had different homes since its beginnings. It happened most recently at the Joslyn Museum and the family festival. Since Joslyn Museum is closed for renovation, Tubachrismas had to find an alternative place to play. One of the requirements is that they don’t charge the public.
This year it would be at Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church near 26 and Farman streets.
Griffiths’ job also entails recruiting tuba and euphonium players every year.
Griffith says all the different backgrounds and players make this concert a unique Christmas experience.
Tuba and Euphonium players who want to participate this year can register on the day of the concert on Dec.1 at 1 p.m. The rehearsal is at 2 p.m., and the show is at 3:30 p.m.
More information at tubachristmas.com.