Classical Kids Showcase
November 2021
Olive Solberg
Olive is 9 and attends Rockbrook Elementary. Olive’s mother says she has been musical since she was young, singing in the shower or humming – music is in her being.
October 2021
Abigail Gamerl
Abigail is 11 and attends Concordia Academy. She plays both violin and piano, and classical music has always been a very big part of her life.
September 2021
Lucia Conda
Lucia is 11 and attends Grace Abbott Elementary. Lucia and her father love to listen to classical music together on KVNO and research composers and works online.
August 2021
Matthew Murray
Matthew is 11 and attends St. Joan of Arc Elementary. He loves to help others and has volunteered to play at retirement homes, a vaccine clinic, and a Salvation Army bell-ringing campaign.
July 2021
Rohan Abrams
Rohan always liked classical music and as a young child even pretended to conduct music with a pencil as a baton. He says he feels very free when he plays piano.
June 2021
Clara Welker
Clara is 13 and attends Kiewit Middle School. She and her family love to perform Christmas concerts for their friends and neighbors and invite them to join in.